This past Friday we had our friends over and celebrated Z's 30th birthday. We had such a good time with everyone. It was fun seeing all the kids together. Pretty soon, they'll be running around and we'll be chasing them. For now we will enjoy that they stay in one spot.

Sam with his new buddy Elise.

This was right after we caught Sam eating his friend Andrew's hand. We have to watch him because everything goes in his mouth these days. He loves chewing on his toes!
he is so cute, bethany!!! i could just "bite" his little cheeks. so, was that completely wrong to say...will he one day read this and go, "mom, who is the crazy person who wanted to bite my cheeks?" sorry, sam, just couldn't resist. adorable!
i forgot to say, "happy b-day, z!"
believe me i could kiss on those cheeks all day!!! :)
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