Monday, July 16, 2007

Week 25

I can't believe that I'm at 25 weeks now, time seems to be flying. We still have not started all the stuff we want to get done before the baby arrives, but I'm not worried about it. I know it will get done one way or another. Last week was a tough one for started on Monday night after Z's softball game. I started having cramps and not feeling so great and then it continued and got worse throughout the night. Finally at 8am Tuesday morning, I called the Dr. and they scheduled me to come in at 10:15 that morning. It turns out that I had a bladder infection. So, now i'm taking medicine for that and it seems to be doing okay. I can say though, I don't remember ever experiencing pain like that. I kept telling Z, how am i going to make it through labor when I can't handle this???? I'm just thankful that up until now, things have gone smoothly and I have been feeling good. Now if I can just figure out how to sleep a little better, I will be all set. :)