Monday, November 24, 2008

This weekend we went to visit my cousins and some other friends down in SC. It was so much colder down there than we expected! We went to a soccer game on Saturday night and I knew I had to bundle Sam up a little extra than I planned on. So we went to Wal-Mart in hopes to find some long johns. They were totally out, so I bought him some white tights! I so hope I have a little girl one day to put tights on...they are so cute. Sam looked pretty cute in them though! He was so tired when we got back to our hotel, he didn't wake up while we undressed him.


Joel, Ali, Levi, Jenna and Luke said...

so cute!!! isn't it amazing that they can sleep through all that? i hope you have a girl, too!

sassy seamstress said...

he just needs a little white bow in that last picture.