Thursday, May 24, 2007


I think I might be feeling this baby move. I have thought it could possibly be the baby for a couple of days now, but today, I feel pretty sure it was. How exciting!!! I couldn't believe it! Today it happened right after I ate lunch, so I guess he or she enjoys food just as much as it's mom!! :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

16 weeks, 3 days

I can't believe it's 16 weeks already. So far this is going by fast although, I may change my mind about that during the hot summer! I had my 16 week dr.'s appt. yesterday. We heard the heartbeat which was very exciting. We also made our appt. to find out the sex of the baby. We find out June 12th. I can't wait!! This will be fun because then I can start planning more and buying cute stuff when I see it. I still have the feeling it's a boy, but when the nurse heard the heartbeat yesterday, she said, "It's a Girl". I was a little stunned, but then she went on to tell us how girls usually have faster heartbeats so sometimes this is right, but we can't count on it! So, we'll see in June if the heartbeat theory was right. That's about all for now!