I can hardly believe that in 8 weeks (give or take a little) we will be parents. It's definatly one of the oddest things to think about. I'm so excited though. I had my 32 week appointment this morning. Everything seems to be going really well. The dr. couldn't believe that I didn't have anything like heartburn, swelling, etc... It's just been a good pregnancy and I can't complain at all. I'm so thankful for how the Lord has blessed us.
This weekend I'm heading down to NC for a baby shower. My aunts and a couple of friends are putting it all together. I'm really looking forward to it, it will be nice to see friends from church. Hopefully soon, I will post pictures of the nursery. It's coming together slowly, but it's really cute so far. Well, that's about all for now.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Time is Flying By...
This has been quite the week so far! Busy busy busy!!! Monday night I was given a surprise shower from the girls in the youth group. It was really nice, they had dinner and cheesecake for dessert!!! They gave us lots of cute outfits. He will def. be a well dressed kid. Part of the ploy to get me out on Monday night was going to get a pedicure. I have never had one and I think I might be hooked now! It was just so relaxing and nice. I know I will def. get one more before the due date. Tuesday night, we had dinner with z's parents and then his mom and I went shopping for a few maternity items. She bought me two shirts and a pajama set to wear at the hospital. Then tonight is a staff meeting before church and then Bible study, then Thursday night is our childbirth class and tour of the hospital and then on Friday night my parents are coming in for the weekend to help rip up carpet and paint the babies room. I'm so excited to finally make some progress on the babies room, I'm ready to get it set up. Well, that's about all for now, I hope to post pics of the shower and the room progress soon.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Week 25
I can't believe that I'm at 25 weeks now, time seems to be flying. We still have not started all the stuff we want to get done before the baby arrives, but I'm not worried about it. I know it will get done one way or another. Last week was a tough one for me...it started on Monday night after Z's softball game. I started having cramps and not feeling so great and then it continued and got worse throughout the night. Finally at 8am Tuesday morning, I called the Dr. and they scheduled me to come in at 10:15 that morning. It turns out that I had a bladder infection. So, now i'm taking medicine for that and it seems to be doing okay. I can say though, I don't remember ever experiencing pain like that. I kept telling Z, how am i going to make it through labor when I can't handle this???? I'm just thankful that up until now, things have gone smoothly and I have been feeling good. Now if I can just figure out how to sleep a little better, I will be all set. :)
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
We are happy to say that we are having a boy! We are so excited and can't wait to meet him. The ultrasound was amazing and pretty funny. He was bouncing around and turning all over the place. The tech. said that we are going to have our hands full with this one. My mother in law would say that it's payback from her days dealing with Zac! I'm just excited that everything is fine and seems to be progressing along just great! Here are some pics of our little guy:

Stretching out!
His cute little profile!
Zac is excited to have a little soccer player on the way! Looks like he is ready to kick a ball around!

Stretching out!
Friday, June 8, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I think I might be feeling this baby move. I have thought it could possibly be the baby for a couple of days now, but today, I feel pretty sure it was. How exciting!!! I couldn't believe it! Today it happened right after I ate lunch, so I guess he or she enjoys food just as much as it's mom!! :)
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
16 weeks, 3 days
I can't believe it's 16 weeks already. So far this is going by fast although, I may change my mind about that during the hot summer! I had my 16 week dr.'s appt. yesterday. We heard the heartbeat which was very exciting. We also made our appt. to find out the sex of the baby. We find out June 12th. I can't wait!! This will be fun because then I can start planning more and buying cute stuff when I see it. I still have the feeling it's a boy, but when the nurse heard the heartbeat yesterday, she said, "It's a Girl". I was a little stunned, but then she went on to tell us how girls usually have faster heartbeats so sometimes this is right, but we can't count on it! So, we'll see in June if the heartbeat theory was right. That's about all for now!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Time for Change...
Well, it's finally happened. We are going to take the huge step into parenthood! We are very excited and will try to keep updates on here. The official due date is Oct. 28th. We have had our first two appointments and so far everything looks great. On Tuesday we heard the heart beat and it was just amazing. I think Zac and I were both stunned that it was really happening. The picture below is from our 8 week appointment and I can't wait until the next ultrasound to see how much the baby has changed.

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